Switching on the Zonal Loyalty / Airship connector means that your loyalty customer data and card data will be automatically sent to your Airship database each day.
Getting started
To get started, provide confirmation in writing to your Zonal Account Manager that your data can be shared with Airship, requesting that Zonal send access details to Airship.
After confirmation has been provided, Zonal will provide Airship with access to your data. Airship will then configure your account to automatically retrieve data from Zonal on a daily basis.
What data is sent to Airship?
Contact title
Contact first name
Contact last name
Contact address
Contact city
Contact post code
Contact country
Contact date of birth
Contact membership number
Contact favourite location (home location)
Contact Zonal GUID
Contact email address
Contact mobile number
Contact email opt in status
The following information is collected about the card and its usage, which is then associated back to the contact record in Airship:
Life spend
7 day spend
30 day spend
90 day spend
Life visits
7 day visits
30 day visits
90 day visits
12 month visits
Last visited date/time
Card number
Card last modified date
Expiry amount
Expiry date
Points balance
Visits balance
Total spend
Total spend last modified date
Points balance last modified date
Visits balance last modified date
This data contributes to PoP (proof of presence).
Expiry Points
The expiry points file is optional via Zonal. If the extracts are switched on, then we will consume the file and update the contacts expiry points. The way we do this is by;
In the expiry file, it will tell us every card which has expiring points in the next 30 days, and how many points / what date they expire
We look for all cards with an expiry date in 30 days times (not between now and 30 days, expires on 30 days), and send the next expiry date and amount into airship
This means if I have 30 points expiring in 30 days, and 10 points expiring in 5 days. The process will pick me up (because I have 30 expiring in 30 days) - but it will look for my next amount of expiry points (10) and the next expiry date (+5 days)
Expiry points will be added to the UDF defined in the config, and against the card (although we cant surface the card details in Airship)
If a customer comes in and uses their card, this will update the 'next expiry points' to the next expiry amount / date
View your data in Airship
Once the connector is enabled, you will be able to see data flowing into your Airship account, by navigating to Folders & Groups.
To access your Contact Folders in Airship, scroll down to “Audiences” in the main menu and select “Folders & Groups”.
You’ll be able to select your Zonal Loyalty Group to see contacts within that Group that have been added via the Zonal Loyalty connector. Contacts are added into groups based on their Scheme
- So if you have multiple schemes running, they will be seperated.