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Connect TicketCo with Airship

Use TicketCo and want to pull your customer booking data into Airship? Here's how.

Oskar Smith avatar
Written by Oskar Smith
Updated over a week ago

Getting started

To get started, provide confirmation in writing to your TicketCo Account Manager that your data can be shared with Airship, requesting that TicketCo send over the API keys for each of your venues.

After API keys have been provided, Airship will configure the connection.

Data for events that are scheduled to start within the next 30 days will be pulled into Airship on a daily basis.

What data is sent to Airship?

  • Contact - First name

  • Contact - Last name

  • Contact - Mobile number

  • Contact - Email address

  • Booking data - Unit/location

  • Booking data - Enquiry Date

  • Booking data - Event Date

  • Booking data - party size

  • Booking data - TicketCo booking ID

Note that TicketCo do not collect an opt-in by default, so if your bookers do not already exist on Airship with an opt-in, they will be stored as opted-out, and only should be contacted for "legitimate interest" communications under PECR.

View your data in Airship

Once the connector is enabled, you will be able to see data flowing into your Airship account, by navigating to Folders & Groups.

To access your Contact Folders in Airship, scroll down to “Contacts” in the main menu and select “Folders & Groups”.

You’ll be able to select your Booking/TicketCo group to see contacts within that group that have been added via the TicketCo connector.

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