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How to set up the Oracle Opera Airship connector
How to set up the Oracle Opera Airship connector

Connect your Oracle OPERA PMS data directly to your Airship account!

Written by Anthony Moore
Updated over a week ago

Send your Hotel powered contact data into your Airship account. We connect to Oracles API once a day to fetch all contact profiles of customers who have created a booking, or checked out within the last 24 hours.

As a prerequisite, you need to be on OHIP Cloud (and not stand alone) version for us to connect to your Opera data.

Getting started

Getting set-up with Opera is straight forward!

  • Client ID

  • Client Secret

  • x-api-key

  • A list of Sites and Site IDs (note, this can also be obtained from the API)

  • Confirmation if you want Historic data brining into Airship, and what date to go back to

Once we have all the information required, we will be able to build the configuration and switch the integration on.

What data is sent to Airship?

A list of fields that Airship captures, or updates based on bookings made are;

  • Contact fields

    • Title

    • First Name

    • Surname

    • Address

    • Town

    • Postcode

    • County

    • Mobile Number

    • Email address

    • DOB

    • Mobile optin

    • Email optin

    • Email Address

  • Stay specific information

    • Stay Reference

    • Stay venue

    • Rooms booked

    • Date of stay (check in / check out)

    • Number of guests

    • Number of children

    • Room type (Standard)

    • Booking source (Internal or externally sourced booking)

    • Room rate (net and gross)

    • Booking Status (pre-reservation, cancelled, no show, checked out)

    • Room Rate Code

    • Stay Travel Agent

This data contributes to PoP (proof of presence).


When data is added to Airship, we will categorise it into the group Opera - Stay. This will enable you to target customers who have booked stays.

View your data in Airship

Once the connector is enabled, you will be able to see data flowing into your Airship account, by navigating to Folders & Groups.

To access your Contact Folders in Airship, scroll down to “Contacts” in the main menu and select “Folders & Groups”.

You’ll be able to select your 'Opera - Stay' Group to see contacts within that Group that have been added via the Opera connector.

To view the booking or purchase data, open a contact record and click “View Stays". This screen will show all the stays recorded for the customer.

Historic Imports

Airship gives the ability to perform a 1 off historic import, when initially switching on the Opera data bridge. Please let your Customer Success contact know if you would like this running, and how far back you would like us to collect data from.

We also implement a 'Historic Import Rule' for any data added via the historic import process, this means that;

  • If the customer is new to Airship, we will create them and apply the opt in preference provided

  • If the customer already exists in Airship (as we might have captured their details via another integration), we will ignore any opt in preferences provided

This ensures that we aren't inadvertently opting customers in (or out), who have engaged with your brand recently.

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