Find the contact record
Use the Audience facility to locate the contact record you need to amend. You’ll probably want to use the Narrow Search by Personal Details if you have the contact’s email or mobile number to hand.
First click on audience & create audience
You are presented with your list of results. Click on the view button to open up the contact record.
Update the contact
Change the fields you wish to amend.
If you wish to change the contacts subscription preferences, these are at the top of the contact record.
Be careful not to opt anyone in for marketing or store details for someone who hasn’t given their consent.
Click on Update to save the contact record.
And that’s you done!
Deleting Customers
If you are wanting to delete a contact, you can do this by searching for the contact in the define search. If you have any personal details of the contact you can narrow search by personal details to find their customer profile.
Once you have found the contact you will see the box that is shown by the arrow below, If you click the box and then select the delete button this will automatically delete the customer from your database.