Step one
First visit and click ‘Forgotten Password?’ at the bottom of the screen.
Step two
Enter your username (if you can’t remember it, your username will be in the initial password email you were originally sent, or you can email to ask for assistance).
Also enter the email address which is associated with the username. Press ‘Reset Password’.
Step three
On submission of the Reset Password form you will be sent an email with the subject line ‘Airship reset password’.
Step four
Follow the link in ‘Reset Password’ email. Enter your user name. Enter your new password and then re-enter it. Remember it must contain at least one letter, one number and one symbol e.g. @ % ! _ + and press Set Password.
Once you have submitted a valid password you will then be directed to log back into your account.
When requesting a password reset, if you enter your details and get the error message ‘We didn’t recognise those details, please try again’ then you have not yet activated your account. If it is over 48 hours since you were sent the initial email, then please contact as the initial email will now have expired.