SingPods is the provider of luxury karaoke booths for your business. Any contact data captured can be sent to Airship to allow you to provide ongoing marketing communications.
Getting Started
Getting set-up with SingPods is straightforward! You'll need to provide the below to them:
A REST API token
Your Airship Account ID
Creating an API token
You'll need to create an API "Personal Access Token" for them to be able to pass data into your account securely.
To do this, you can either:
A) invite your contact at SingPods as a user to your Airship account and let them do this themselves, or;
B) you can do this on their behalf and pass the token on to them securely.
To create an API Personal Access Token, follow our guide here >
Airship Account ID
SingPods will also require your Airship Account ID. If you're not sure what this is, please request it from our Customer Success team.
What data is sent to Airship?
Contact data
Contact first name
Contact surname
Contact email address
Contact mobile number
Contact email opt in status
Contact SMS opt in status
Contact unit (location)
Contact visit date/time
Booking data
Booking Enquiry Date
Booking Party Date
Booking Party Size
Booking Reference
Booking Notes
Deposit Paid
Booking Source
Pre-Booked Food Revenue
Pre-Booked Drinks Revenue
Pre-Booked Entertainment Revenue
The data contributes to PoP (proof of presence).
Configuring the integration in SingPods
Within SingPods, navigate to the Integrations > Airship setup screen.
From here, you will need to:
Add the Account ID obtained from Airship
Add the REST API user obtained from Airship
Click Save, which will then test the connection and grab a list of locations setup in Airship
Map your Singpod locations to the relevant Airship locations (Note, if any sites are missing from Airship, reach out to the Airship Customer Success team and they can get one added)
Once all configured, click Save
View your data in Airship
Once the connector is enabled, you will be able to see data flowing into your Airship account, by navigating to Folders & Groups.
To access your Contact Folders in Airship, scroll down to Contacts in the main menu and select Folders & Groups.
Contacts will be stored in groups under each relevant unit/location under the group name 'SingPods’'.
If you click into one of the groups, you'll see all contacts who joined the Airship account via SingPods.